View from hotel...

Roman Bath visiting (top from H&M £3 in sale! skirt and creepers ebay)

Looking confused at the Roman Baths (bag by Mulberry)

Kir Royale with impressive curly lemon

Bath By Night

The Abbey

Shopping Day! (top-Brighton Lanes, skirt and creepers-ebay, bag-Mulberry)

The boy looking pensive about the tiring shopping times ahead.
Last week the boy and I took a hard-earned week off work, including an overnight stay at The Best Western Abbey Hotel in Bath, which only cost us £40 for bed and breakfast after we had used a voucher from the hotel voucher shop that my dad and stepmum had given us as a Christmas gift-a really useful present! The first day we did touristy bits-hitting the Roman Bath's, and just generally walking around pretending we were cultured. The next day-what I had been waiting for-WE SHOPPED. I use the term "we" loosely-I spent about £200 on clothes and accessories...Tom bought us dinner and an ice cream. Lovely boy. We also booked trains really cheaply-travelling mainly with Great Western trainline. Per person, it cost £6 to get there, and £7 to get back. Ridiculously cheap, and we didnt have to travel at stupid times or anything.
It's now one week after we went, and I am back at work. What I wouldn't give to be prancing about in front of amazing architecture, drinking cocktails and eating an immense wild boar burger instead of dutifully serving customers then collapsing on the sofa in my pants...