Dress-Asos, Blouse-Primark, Boots-Topshop
Bodycon in the daytime?! Oh yes! This sexy little number recieved its first outing on my birthday where it was worn with heels and false lashes-very evening. However, today I wore it dressed down with thickest of thick tights and a high necked blouse. As soon as I put my specs on I felt a tad secretary/teacher-esque, hence the tacky posing with pen and pad. This picking up of a sketchpad for a prop did lead me to draw for the first time in absolutely ages. I used to draw every single day, but doing it for further education sucked the creativity out of me a tad. Its been too long and I mean to start it up again and regain some of my skill! Charlotte Free was my first victim today, but hopefully there will be many more to help me get less rusty!