Monday, 7 November 2011

35. Where the Wild Things Are

Trousers and Top-H&M, Shawl -River Island

How fantastic is this shawl? It was £25 and this design is also available in a bluey kind of colour (look here) and other patterns as well. I wore it out on Saturday and I was worried it would keep slipping off throughout the night, and admittedly in a drunken haze I attempted to leave it behind a couple of times, but all in all, it stayed on good! How was everyone elses weekend? I spent mine drunk...and then awfully AWFULLY hungover. I am NEVER drinking again, my poor innards nor my dignity can take anymore.
The trousers are from H&M and are my version of leather look skinnies, as wherever I go and try on actual real versions, 10's cannot fathom my hips and 12's give me bucket-crotch look. Nice. They're actually slightly cropped, although they're perhaps more cropped than intended for my above-average height, but I think it looks quite cool and punky, espesh with my new Rocket Dog Lift-Off shoes! Which, by the by, although not in shot here, were very comfortable the entire night, thank goodness for platformed soles.

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