So last week I came across
this tumblr site (warning, you will gaze for hours) of beautiful locks and the old familiar urge to change my barnet overcame me. I saw lots of looks that I desired, in particular "mermaid" inspired purple and turquoise streaks or tips, and decided that I WANT I WANT I WANT. I did find a few tips on multi coloured dip dying, but not a whole load of step by step DIY's. I am well aware that this may be because its so blindingly obvious, and that there's probably a whole load on youtube, and perhaps I should've googled a bit better...but I took these photos whilst doing my hair, so you're just going to have to look at them, AWRITE!!?

To begin. Take your boring old rubbish hair. SAY GOODBYE TO IT-"So long suckaaaa!"
Next: Gather your tools. If you are lucky enough to have blonde hair already, or you already have ombre, you can skip the bleach. I would also recommend having an old towel on the floor/all your precious surfaces, unless of course you are a reckless maverick like moi, and just DGAF!!!111!LOLZ!
I personally used La Riche Directions (
from this seller) in Violet and Turquoise. You can use whatever your sweet ass desires, just make sure the colours are AWESOME enough. Please note however, that not all of those crazy colours out there come with gloves-I used the ones that came with the bleach-you could also use the tint brush that comes with the bleach if you believe you've rinsed it thoroughly enough, I had bought one from Boots that was a bit wider.
Mix up your bleach to the packet instructions, and of course after carrying out the required patch tests, and time tests, no distastrous reactions here please, and apply to the tips of your hair-I went up to just below my shoulder line and found it agreeable.
You'll want to keep checking on the colour of your hair even if you've done the tests beforehand, just to make sure. Get it to a palish blonde-the lighter it is, the brighter the dye will be. Of course if you're like me, and have layers of different dyes on your hair that not even Colour B4 can rid you of, I'd settle on getting your hair to a nice orangey colour and be glad it hasn't fallen out.
For my dye, I needed my hair to be towel dry, yours may vary, DO WHAT THE INSTRUCTIONS TELL YOU FOOL.
Now the fun part. I mixed the turquoise dye (my higher up colour) with conditioner, as I wanted it to take on a lighter, more pastel type shade, than the bright BRIGHT colour it showed on the sample. I would say I used the same amount of conditioner as dye, so use what you think is right-the more dye you use, the darker and more intense it will show on your hair. Then you just-and I'm going to be very eloquent here-paint it on. Just literally, slap it on, maybe about a 2 inch section down into your bleached part. I noticed after I'd dried mine that I'd managed to miss a strand or ten, and personally didn't mind, but you might want to be more careful.
After leaving the required amount of time-half an hour for me-you rinse rinse rinse, and once again dry your hair to the level you need. Repeat, mine was towel dried, damp but not dripping. (OOER *snigger*).
Next you'll need to mix up your second colour in the same way as before. Here you can see the conditioner to dye proportion I used. A blob of this, and a blob of that. I think this is the advantage of the Directions dye-it comes in a resealable tub, so I've got loads left for touchups.
Repeat the painting on process, it should be a little easier doing the tips, as you can see where you've gone before. Just try not to cross over the 2 colours too much. A little merging is fine, good even, but you don't want to just mix 'em up, and get a murky cover up. So yes, once coated, leave for the time needed, and rinse out.

Et Voila! You can see where I've still got blondey bits showing, which I am quite partial to, but it would be easy to go over again in a few days time with my abundance of dye left.
Styled up a bit more....oooh, perdy.
BBFIKSBGIOW posey face.
SO THERE YOU GO. Read it and try it. Or you could try the slightly more temporary look using
chalk pastels, a la Lauren Conrad. But I didn't read about that til after I'd done mine. But if you're a committed fearless hair warrior a la Hannah Victoria Raymond (aka me) choose my method instead!