Wednesday, 28 March 2012
69. May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour
So I went on a little jaunt today in the sun, with absolutely no idea in my head where I was going. Just started walking. And after my legs inexplicably took me to Topshop (but with my purse at home I was safe) they then took me across grassy areas, into this woodland. It felt very Hunger Games let me tell you, and I was 2 seconds away from hunting down some squirrel for meat. It was really pretty, and I'm so glad I decided to go out, even though I was on my own, otherwise I would've just been sat indoors with the tv on, whilst mindlessly browsing stuff online. As it is my vitamin D intake is set to RDA OVERLOAD, and tell you think my legs look tanned? LIE TO ME AND SAY YES.
Special mention to the boots, which I got my Schuh's ebay store for £21 rather than £60, as they are an ex display pair. As for the top and shorts, neither are new, but you can find similar shorts here and here, and a similar top here and here. Shorts are the way forward for me now, I just need to find a sunbleached desert to explore, and I feel I'll be in their perfect setting.
Enjoy the sunshine!
Friday, 23 March 2012
68. Fresh Ink
Done by Mario at Stylish Skin in Chichester
This is my freshest piece! Took 3 hours on Wednesday, and I'm going back in a month or so for another hour roughly, to get the roses shaded fully. It actually wasn't too painful-just started to get a bit sore towards the end of the third hour as you can imagine. Needless to say I've been subjecting the world to my pasty legs the last couple of days to show it off. Thank goodness for the vague hints of sunshine that allowed me to do this! I've had all this week off work, and its gone by quite nicely, lunches with friends, junk food sleepovers, above tattoo, drinks in the evening with friends I'd not seen in a while, and devouring all of "The Hunger Games" trilogy. I finished the last one today, and since I cry so easily at books/films/tv/adverts, the tears were streaming unashamedly! Back to work on Monday, and I'm hoping the days will go by quite quickly, so I can cross off the last day on the little countdown I have on my calendar til Thomas comes home! 9 days to go!
This is my freshest piece! Took 3 hours on Wednesday, and I'm going back in a month or so for another hour roughly, to get the roses shaded fully. It actually wasn't too painful-just started to get a bit sore towards the end of the third hour as you can imagine. Needless to say I've been subjecting the world to my pasty legs the last couple of days to show it off. Thank goodness for the vague hints of sunshine that allowed me to do this! I've had all this week off work, and its gone by quite nicely, lunches with friends, junk food sleepovers, above tattoo, drinks in the evening with friends I'd not seen in a while, and devouring all of "The Hunger Games" trilogy. I finished the last one today, and since I cry so easily at books/films/tv/adverts, the tears were streaming unashamedly! Back to work on Monday, and I'm hoping the days will go by quite quickly, so I can cross off the last day on the little countdown I have on my calendar til Thomas comes home! 9 days to go!
hunger games,
Monday, 19 March 2012
67. Coloured Denim, Let Me Count The Ways
Coloured Jeans! We've all seen the beautiful rainbows of denim in every hue around at the moment, everywhere from Harrods to H&M. But it can be a bit daunting when thinking how to style a statement piece like these-they're quite "LOOK AT ME AND MY LEGS. LOOK AT ME NOOOOWWW" (or perhaps that's just me..?)
Anyway. I decided to foray into the world of coloured denim, via some mouth watering pink Lee skinny jeans from my place of work. After tentatively slipping them on, I realised how much more versatile they are than I had originally thought. With that in mind, I decided to spend my time today, styling the same pair in 5 different ways to show how just about anyone, who might've thought "I like them, but they're just not very ME", can indeed wear them however the hell they want.
Look One: TOMBOY
Pink jeans? Tomboy? Antithesis or what? I found this actually very easy to do, as the pink means you can slip on anything a bit boyish (read-you can steal whatever you want from your boyfriends/brothers/dads wardrobe) and still look tomboy rather than just plain old boy. I also confess that the reason for this look was because I really wanted to wear this old Vans cap that I found many years ago in a friends camper van and "borrowed".

Anyway. I decided to foray into the world of coloured denim, via some mouth watering pink Lee skinny jeans from my place of work. After tentatively slipping them on, I realised how much more versatile they are than I had originally thought. With that in mind, I decided to spend my time today, styling the same pair in 5 different ways to show how just about anyone, who might've thought "I like them, but they're just not very ME", can indeed wear them however the hell they want.
Look One: TOMBOY
Pink jeans? Tomboy? Antithesis or what? I found this actually very easy to do, as the pink means you can slip on anything a bit boyish (read-you can steal whatever you want from your boyfriends/brothers/dads wardrobe) and still look tomboy rather than just plain old boy. I also confess that the reason for this look was because I really wanted to wear this old Vans cap that I found many years ago in a friends camper van and "borrowed".
Shirt is my boyfriends, which he got via ebay. Similar ones here.
Converse, Vans, and also combat boots would all work well here.
Converse, Vans, and also combat boots would all work well here.
Look Two: BRIGHTS!
A really fresh look for Spring, if being a bit more girly is your style. I reckon you could combine a few different prints here, maybe some mismatched florals, but keep it quite tailored like with the blazer, so you don't end up resembling a pile of old curtains. Unless of course that's your thing, in which case, I salute you and wish you well.
A really fresh look for Spring, if being a bit more girly is your style. I reckon you could combine a few different prints here, maybe some mismatched florals, but keep it quite tailored like with the blazer, so you don't end up resembling a pile of old curtains. Unless of course that's your thing, in which case, I salute you and wish you well.
I think some awesome bright platform sandals like these from asos would be fantastic here, but sadly my wardrobe is lacking. This blazer is from River Island, last year, but they have a great selection this year too, SEE HERE!
Look 3: PREPPY
I always find it a bit hard to do the "preppy" look due to my tattoos and tunnels, but I reckon I can just about pull it off-so if I can, so can anyone! Again, tailoring would be key, and if this isn't enough, what better inspiration can there be for preppy coloured jeans, than the annoyingly gorgeous Kate Middleton, who has apparently caused women to stampede to the shops in search of some coral jeans. See this picture on for how to dress like a pro!
These boots were in the Topshop sale, but if money was no object, I would go with some from Hudson, like this pair.
I'm afraid I could never refer to myself as sexy, hence the nervously humourous title. But you know what I mean. Think Kardashian if you must. But I bet if you turned up on a date like this (with your own face and body mind) you'd get some "I like her style" respect and then probably some sweet lovin'.*
*Disclaimer: this is not a proven fact, just a liklihood. If no sweet lovin' is recieved, I hold no responsibility.
Sleeveless shirts like these would be nice too, if you don't mind showing your arms.
Look 5: GRUNGE
This is my personal favourite, and what I did in fact wear today, which is why it gets an extra photo too. Longline vest tops, like my realitee one, in blacks or greys are super nice for this, but I think band tees/jack daniels tees would be perfect too. I personally think that pink is the most awesome colour in a grungey look as its such a contrast to the dark, and does add a girly spin on it, but an electric blue would come a close second if pink just ain't up your dark, brooding street. If I had creepers they would be on my feet to finish this outfit perfectly, but alas I do not, so faithful Converse it is. Make-up wise, I'm wearing the Kate Moss for Rimmel dark purple lipstick, but over a pink base colour so that it wasn't too harsh.
I was going to wear a different jacket, but could not find it, so in a stressy huff I cut the sleeves off an old pleather jacket. And I'm so glad I did-I'm in love! If DIY hacking of your beautiful clothes isn't a pleasant prospect for you, then you're in luck as Forever 21 have this one on sale and Topshop have a reasonably priced one too, in several colours.
So that's it! I possibly should have split this into 5 different posts if I was a smart and patient blogger. But I'm not. So I haven't. What's your favourite look out of the 5? What would you do differently? If you've posted about styling coloured denim, then please link me, so that I can get even more ideas!
coloured denim,
coloured jeans,
diy leather vest,
kate middleton,
Saturday, 17 March 2012
66. Retail Therapy
After having no break at work yesterday, I got to leave early today.
BRILLIANT SAYS I! OUCHIE SAYS MY BANK. Now I know I said I was going to
be doing more thrift/ebay spending... but Thomas went on holiday today,
and I'm disproportionately sad about how much I'm going to miss him
considering it's only 2 weeks that he is gone. And it was a sadness that
only Topshop could cure.

The dress wins for me as it is actually long enough to near on touch the ground, although it does have another cut out in the fabric across the boobies-I may have to add a stitch to keep my modest girls under wraps. The top is part of the Realitee concession. Anyway, I'm keeping this short and sweet, as another part of my girlish moping is curling up to read The Hunger Games trilogy with some M&S cookies. Going to view a cottage for rent tomorrow morning, so want to look rested and therefore respectable for that too. Happy Weekend everyone, may yours be less self pitying than mine!

The dress wins for me as it is actually long enough to near on touch the ground, although it does have another cut out in the fabric across the boobies-I may have to add a stitch to keep my modest girls under wraps. The top is part of the Realitee concession. Anyway, I'm keeping this short and sweet, as another part of my girlish moping is curling up to read The Hunger Games trilogy with some M&S cookies. Going to view a cottage for rent tomorrow morning, so want to look rested and therefore respectable for that too. Happy Weekend everyone, may yours be less self pitying than mine!
retail therapy,
Monday, 12 March 2012
65. Woetown
Guys, I am the most woeful girl in Woetown-The bargain Edelman shoes in
the charity shop were too big! Not so much size wise, but width wise and
depth wise. My poor apparently teensy feet just stepped right out of
them when I tried to walk. Here is a photo of my bunny in my sunglasses
to cheer me and my dear blog followers up. I know all 10 of you
wonderful human beings will be feeling very upset right now.
There there.

There there.
fashion bunny,
sam edelman
Sunday, 11 March 2012
64. A Little Birdie Told Me....
Bird Shorts-ASOS Petite (huh?I know-SALE!), Tee-H&M (old), Jacket-New Look (ooold), Loafers-Topshop, Bag-Mulberry
Happy Sunny Sunday everyone! I got these shorts from asos in the week, and despite being from the petite section, they fit me fine-for a mere 8 pounds it was worth the risk! I was tres happy when I saw the sun peeping out today, so I gave them their first airing with a plain tee-though it was still a bit nippy, so reached for one of many trusty blazers in my wardrobe. You can also see a glimpse of the beloved Tillie tote which I have used everyday since I got it-cost per wear is working out nicely!
Anyway, so off I tottered down to the charity shop this morning to check out the Edelman's again. The shop was closed, so I will be queueing outside tomorrow at 9am, even if it means I'm a little late opening up my own work (just next door), in the terror that someone else will snap em up.
Then we headed to the pub for breakfast-only we were too late for breakfast-so I ended up having a roast dinner instead, yummers.
After stuffing myself with roast AND mashed potato, we walked/waddled to HMV to hopefully snap up a trashy horror. I was hoping for "Strip Nude For Your Killer", which I can only assume is a tenderly made, thoughtful piece, but the boy thought it might be "a bit much" and so we FAILED in our mission.
Buffy Season 3 it is....
Saturday, 10 March 2012
63. Fervently Praying...
Fervently praying that I can get a hold of these babies....
Sam Edelman Faye clogs from a couple of years ago-I want to say A/W 2010? Saw them in a charity shop window, in my size, for £7.99 on my way home from work. Woefully the shop was closed, and even more woefully I did not check to see if they opened on Sundays. So I'm going to head into town tomorrow for 10am to see...and if not, Monday morning they MUST MUST MUST be mine.
I think I'm going to do a lot more of my shopping in charity shops (or shall I call them "thrift shops" to sound a bit cooler?) and on ebay etc from now on, partly after reading this post on Madeline's blog (my favourite blogger/blog at the moment and for the forseeable future) on the advantages on your wallet and on your conscience to "thrifting". And also because our rent is being put up to SEVEN HUNDRED BLOODY QUID a month, which is frankly ridiculous. So its either pay that and be poor, or move house-which will also leave us poor for a while, and leave me very very VERY stressed. Fabulous. Only bargain shoes can cheer me!
Is anyone else joining me in the bargain hunting? I'm also interested in how other young ladies with rent to pay, but with a lust for clothes, clothes, and more clothes, manage to pay their way? At the moment I'm selling a fair bit on ebay...but is the next step to pull an Annie from 90210, and sell some different wares to fund my life?
Sam Edelman Faye clogs from a couple of years ago-I want to say A/W 2010? Saw them in a charity shop window, in my size, for £7.99 on my way home from work. Woefully the shop was closed, and even more woefully I did not check to see if they opened on Sundays. So I'm going to head into town tomorrow for 10am to see...and if not, Monday morning they MUST MUST MUST be mine.
I think I'm going to do a lot more of my shopping in charity shops (or shall I call them "thrift shops" to sound a bit cooler?) and on ebay etc from now on, partly after reading this post on Madeline's blog (my favourite blogger/blog at the moment and for the forseeable future) on the advantages on your wallet and on your conscience to "thrifting". And also because our rent is being put up to SEVEN HUNDRED BLOODY QUID a month, which is frankly ridiculous. So its either pay that and be poor, or move house-which will also leave us poor for a while, and leave me very very VERY stressed. Fabulous. Only bargain shoes can cheer me!
Is anyone else joining me in the bargain hunting? I'm also interested in how other young ladies with rent to pay, but with a lust for clothes, clothes, and more clothes, manage to pay their way? At the moment I'm selling a fair bit on ebay...but is the next step to pull an Annie from 90210, and sell some different wares to fund my life?
charity shops,
sam edelman,
Saturday, 3 March 2012
62. Life As We Know It (in which I share real life photos)
Pretty Colours
Muddy Dyke Boots
Excitement at being so close to nature, and having just eaten a club sandwich.
Isn't this the best fucking photo of a leaf you ever saw...?
Boytoy in a good mood (which turned into a bad mood when we got lost and it started to get dark)
Grinning through my hair envy-aren't her long locks luscious?
Pre-night out drinking/posing, aka BEFORE MY FALL.
So I thought I'd prove that my tales of "having a life" had some substance behind them. As you can see I am always having a fun time, walking along in mud next to some trees, and drinking delicious vodka so that I don't mind doing open mouthed smiling for photos. What larks. Highlights were getting lost in the woods, and having to retrace our footsteps-made more difficult when we found ourselves on the wrong side of a "Private Property-DO NOT ENTER" sign; getting locked INSIDE my friends house and having to climb out the window; leaning on a wall in a club, which turned out to be a door and falling down the flight of stairs behind the magic disappearing wall; and to top it off having to climb in the window we had previously climbed out of, after being locked out as well.
How is everyone spending their weekends? I've got myself a buy one get two free easter egg offer, so that's my evening set.
Pretty Colours
Muddy Dyke Boots
Excitement at being so close to nature, and having just eaten a club sandwich.
Isn't this the best fucking photo of a leaf you ever saw...?
Boytoy in a good mood (which turned into a bad mood when we got lost and it started to get dark)
Grinning through my hair envy-aren't her long locks luscious?
Pre-night out drinking/posing, aka BEFORE MY FALL.
So I thought I'd prove that my tales of "having a life" had some substance behind them. As you can see I am always having a fun time, walking along in mud next to some trees, and drinking delicious vodka so that I don't mind doing open mouthed smiling for photos. What larks. Highlights were getting lost in the woods, and having to retrace our footsteps-made more difficult when we found ourselves on the wrong side of a "Private Property-DO NOT ENTER" sign; getting locked INSIDE my friends house and having to climb out the window; leaning on a wall in a club, which turned out to be a door and falling down the flight of stairs behind the magic disappearing wall; and to top it off having to climb in the window we had previously climbed out of, after being locked out as well.
How is everyone spending their weekends? I've got myself a buy one get two free easter egg offer, so that's my evening set.
best leaf ever,
night out,
Friday, 2 March 2012
61. Creepy Bastard (aka the cowboy disco)
Denim shirt-Lee, Skirt-H&M (tres old, dont go out to try and buy it), tights-Giles Deacon for New Look
Inspired by the ninja cat video-which actually scares the crap out of me-I don't know why I decided to copy it with these photos. I guess inspiration just struck me. Struck me on the head and gave me concussion, but also the marvelous idea of pairing gold with denim. Its like I'm going to a cowboy disco. (HELLO MORE INSPIRATION FOR A BIRTHDAY THEME) I am on fire.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my life has obviously been a whirlwind of business.
Well, no, not quite, but I did have a weekend in Brighton, fall down some stairs, developed a disgusting cough, and now to top it all off-my boyfriend is trying to feed me healthy food like vegetables, when all I really want is pizza and sandwiches. LIFE IS LIKE, SO HARD.
I've also been distracted by one my bestest best bezza's starting up her own blog, and even though I know she's the most hilarious person in the world, and that by doing a journalism degree she must have some vague talent for writing- I AM STILL BLOWN AWAY BY HOW BRILLIANT SHE IS.
Go, go read it now. Culture In The Blender. Now laugh and marvel, laugh and marvel!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my life has obviously been a whirlwind of business.
Well, no, not quite, but I did have a weekend in Brighton, fall down some stairs, developed a disgusting cough, and now to top it all off-my boyfriend is trying to feed me healthy food like vegetables, when all I really want is pizza and sandwiches. LIFE IS LIKE, SO HARD.
I've also been distracted by one my bestest best bezza's starting up her own blog, and even though I know she's the most hilarious person in the world, and that by doing a journalism degree she must have some vague talent for writing- I AM STILL BLOWN AWAY BY HOW BRILLIANT SHE IS.
Go, go read it now. Culture In The Blender. Now laugh and marvel, laugh and marvel!
So who wants to come to my cowboy disco? Bring your stetsons and your afros in rodeo-glitz abundance and line-dance with me in swarovskied boots.
rubbish blogger
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